Sunday, February 1, 2009

oh hey, brain.

i used to have a livejournal but no one ever read it besides me.. and probably a creeper or two per week if were really counting.. so that ended up being a waste of time. now that almost all my friends are going on blog making sprees i figured to try again. now heres the thang about what i tend to write. no offense to people who do this but i dont want to bore you with a play by play of my day and how i felt about each waking moment even if you give a shit. i write about absolutely nothing. even though techinically everything is something. on a scale from 1-10 what i write is of little to no importance but i make it try to come off as 10. get my drift? ok for example.. my first livejournal entry...

I don't know why but wasted time has always scared me. I devote a purpose to every step I take and if in the end I feel like there was no purpose to it I make one up just to make myself feel better. Today I came back to my dad's house after work without realizing I don't have a house key, so I was stuck alone in a backyard in Freeport for about an hour. My book and IPod were inside so I used the time to tan. Eventually I came close to running out of water and really did start sweating like a beast. I figured that couldn't be too healthy so I chilled in my car with the AC and pretzels. I started thinking about what reason I could make up for staying in the car while I could be tanning, because sustaining hydration wasn't productive enough to please me. I continued to think until I spotted a spider leg on the ceiling. It's been there for a while because it wasn't too noticeable and when it was I laughed because it reminded me of a certain someone that I would rather not be reminded of anymore, so I immediately took a tissue and threw it out the door. After I did, I saw a squirrel directly above me on the garage roof staring at me. I ignored it, but since it was still looking at me when I got back in the car I became curious as to how long it would take for it to go attack a bird or something. I mean, squirrels are pretty ADD. But anyway, we were staring each other down for a good two minuets before I got weirded out and threw a shirt over my face. I took it off to find the squirrel absolutely no where in sight. I looked around for it really intently too. The last time I had an encounter with a nonhuman like that my family dubbed it the animal form of my dead uncle. The first thing I thought to myself was how ridiculous it would be if I ended up with a squirrel tattoo.

There were a lot of reasons for staying in the car I could've used for my whole mental issue, but somewhere between my first glance at the squirrel and depending on my feet to control the radio like the lazy shit I am trying not to be, I decided productivity is overrated.

until rereading that, i forgot how much fun i had blogging. maybe too much. well now that people besides me and my creepers are actually reading it, hopefully itll wont be a waste of time. oh.. waste of time. IRONY!